2020 Integrated Resource Plan

The Lansing Board of Water & Light's 2020 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) is a long-term, 20-year plan that provides guidance on how best to meet its customers' future electric energy needs.

This 2020 IRP incorporates key components of the BWL's mission in the development of plan goals and metrics and is the latest planning initiative that has included the 2008 and 2016 IRP’s and the 2016 Strategic Plan, which have resulted in retirement of BWL coal units while adopting a diverse set of generating options. It also sets the stage for the next step in environmental stewardship by embracing the challenge of climate change with a recommendation to pursue carbon neutrality by 2040.

GreenWise Renewable Power

GreenWise Power is a voluntary renewable power program for customers looking to purchase their energy from a cleaner, renewable source. Learn more about how to register for the program.