Utility Shut-Off Protection

Community Resource Fairs

The Lansing Board of Water & Light and over a dozen local partners have hosted several Community Resource Fairs since 2021 at various community centers throughout Lansing. The goal has been to connect BWL residential customers and greater Lansing residents behind on bills to information on resources and financial assistance per available funding and eligibility.

Energy Assistance Guide

Check out our new Energy Assistance Guide, a financial assistance resource for customers.

Flexible Payment Arrangements

At BWL, we do everything we can to prevent shut-offs from happening, including working with customers to develop flexible payment schedules and connecting them to information and community dollars available.

We're happy to offer flexible payment plans to:

  • Customers with low incomes
  • Families with active members in the U.S. military
  • Senior customers 65 and older

If you're at risk of falling behind on your bills or would like to set up a flexible payment plan, please contact our Customer Service Department at (517) 702-6006. For more information on community resources and dollars available, visit one of our partner websites.

NOTICE: The BWL may use a remote disconnect/reconnect electric meter to interrupt your service for non-payment. Payment on your account constitutes authorization and consent to restore electric service to your premises. The customer assumes all responsibility for any property damages as a result of the restoration of power.

A small static “Low-Income Energy Assist Fund (LIEAF)" surcharge for electricity appears on monthly BWL bills, which goes into a statewide fund to help eligible customers with more financial assistance if they’re struggling. This LIEAF money will be important as BWL is opted into PA95 ending the winter heating season shut-off moratorium, meaning electric shut-offs due to non-pay will continue year-round. BWL customers at risk of shut-off are eligible for Federal Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and Michigan Energy Assistance Program (MEAP) funding assistance, and may also qualify for a winter protection payment plan. Seniors 65 and older and low income customers on a winter protection plan are protected from electric shut-off during the heating season. Additionally, active military customers may be eligible for extended payment arrangements to prevent service disruption. Contact 211 for payment assistance information, or the BWL to inquire about a payment plan.

Medical Alert Form 

If you have medical equipment in your home that depends on electric power, please fill out our Medical Alert Form. This will ensure shut off protection even if you fall behind on payments. 

Third Party Notification Form

You can now arrange to have a friend, relative or landlord receive a copy of your bills, including any shut-off notice you receive. If you're out of town or overlook a notice, the person you choose can give you a friendly reminder. This free service gives you another measure against utility shut-off. To get started, please fill out our Third Party Notification Form.

Levelized Payment/Budget Billing Program

Pay the same each month and avoid seasonal ups and downs in your utility bill by signing up for our Levelized Payment/Budget Billing Program. Monthly payments are based on average monthly consumption over the previous 12-month period. We recalculate monthly payments every 12 months to adjust for changes in consumption.

Call our Customer Service Department to get started at (517) 702-6006.