South Reinforcement Transmission Line Project

The South Reinforcement Transmission Line project, part of our Lansing Energy Tomorrow initiative, is needed to update our aging electric system to prepare for our community's future energy needs. This project will construct approximately 6 miles of  transmission line from Central Substation to Wise Substation and will continue BWL’s efforts to replace and upgrade aging infrastructure with clean, efficient and reliable generation and transmission assets. This project will improve reliability and add redundancy to the grid by connecting new and upgraded substations with clean power generation sources.

This project will be completed in several phases. Currently, we have completed the Pre-Design and Easement Acquisition and Design phase. We will begin the Construction phase in March 2025 with the aim to complete construction by early 2026.

Phase 1: Pre-Design - Completed

The first phase of this project is the Pre-Design phase which has been completed. During this phase, a route study, property market valuation study and several surveys were completed to help identify the preliminary transmission line route and aid in the design of the transmission line. These surveys included a property (boundary) survey, which identifies property corners and boundaries and utility survey, which identifies existing overhead and underground facilities within a corridor.

Phase 2: Easement Acquisition & Design - Completed

The second phase was the Easement Acquisition & Design phase. This phase began with compiling and reviewing the survey data acquired in the Pre-Design phase. The data determined the need for easements from landowners along the transmission line route. Field agents contacted landowners about easements in late 2020. Design of the transmission line followed easement acquisition activities and consisted of engineering, material procurement, permitting and contract selection.

Phase 3: Construction

The third phase of this project will be the Construction phase. This phase will begin in March 2025 and is expected to be completed in early 2026.  

The construction phase will take place in stages, with the first stage clearing any vegetation needed for access and construction of the transmission line. The second stage consists of below grade construction, which includes preparing pole locations, excavating and constructing the transmission line structure foundations. The third stage consists of above grade construction, which includes setting poles, stringing wires, and installing hardware. The fourth and final stage will be cleanup and restoration of the construction activities.

Construction is anticipated to start in spring 2025 and finish in early 2026.

BWL will notify all landowners who are affected by construction prior to construction start.

A qualified construction contractor will be selected once the design has been completed and material procured. Contractors will be wearing easily identifiable clothing and be in BWL marked vehicles.

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