Board of Commissioners

David J. Price
Chair, At-Large
David Price is Chair of the BWL Board of Commissioners and on the Finance Committee for the Lansing Board of Water & Light.
A 32-year resident of Lansing, Commissioner David Price was originally appointed by the Lansing City Council to the Board of Water & Light Board of Commissioners on February 23, 2011.
Commissioner Price holds a Bachelor's Degree from John Carroll University and has completed graduate coursework at Central Michigan University. He recently retired after 21 years as the Executive Director of MARO, a statewide association representing providers of employment and training services for persons with disabilities and other barriers.
Commissioner Price was appointed by Governor Snyder to the Michigan Community Service Commission from 2012 through 2018. He was a 20-year board member of the Michigan Nonprofit Association where he served as treasurer and president. Recently, he was re-appointed by the Trustees of Central Michigan University to the board of Charyl Stockwell Academy, a charter school where he has served as president for the past 22 years.
He is a board member and Secretary/Treasurer of the Glen Erin Pipe Band and served with his wife as the host family coordinators for the Hosei University-Tokyo/Michigan State University Study Abroad Program from 2007-2013. David J. Price was re-appointed by the Lansing City Council to the Board of Water & Light Board of Commissioners on July 23, 2018 and his term expires on June 30, 2026.

Semone James
Vice-Chair, First Ward
Semone M. James (First Ward Commissioner) serves as the Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners and serves on the Executive Committee and Finance Committee for the Lansing Board of Water & Light. She is a member of the Retirement Planning Committee and serves as a Trustee of the Lansing Board of Water & Light Pension Fund.
Commissioner James previously served on the Lansing Board of Water & Light from 2006 to 2009 and served as the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board. During this previous appointment, she also served on the Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Nominating Committee and Committee on Rules of Administrative Procedures.
Commissioner James holds a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree from Eastern Michigan University with double majors in Finance and Real Estate. She is a State of Michigan licensed Real Estate Broker and Certified General Appraiser. For over 30 years, Commissioner James has been a dedicated public servant, working for the State of Michigan. The majority of her career has been with the Department of Treasury, Bureau of Investments, as a Senior Executive Assistant Deputy Director, Senior Portfolio Manager, and Investment Specialist. Previously, Commissioner James was appointed by Governor Granholm as the first Executive Director for the Michigan Land Bank Fast Track Authority. She also served as a Senior Property Analyst and Staff Appraiser with the Michigan Department of Transportation.
In addition to being a public servant, Commissioner James has served on several other community and professional boards and enjoys volunteering her time and real estate expertise with several community, non-profit and faith-based organizations.
Commissioner James is a life-long resident of the State of Michigan. She has enjoyed living in Lansing for over 30 years and appreciates the opportunity to be of service.
Commissioner James was appointed to the Board of Commissioners on July 26, 2021, with a term to expire on June 30, 2025.

Beth Graham
Second Ward
Beth Graham is a Certified Residential Appraiser and owner of her company. Beth has been appraising in the Greater Lansing area for over 30 years and has an Associate’s Degree in Accounting from Davenport University and a Bachelor’s in Business Administration and Certificate in Real Estate from Ferris State University.
She has been the president of the Greater Lansing Association of REALTORS, Michigan REALTORS director, President of the Michigan and Lansing Networks of the Women’s Council of REALTORS and has chaired several GLAR, WCR, Michigan REALTOR and National Association of REALTOR committees. Beth has also served on the City of Lansing Planning Commission.
Beth was also a Girl Scout leader at North, Gardner and Everett schools and has been involved in Neighborhood Watch.
As a Commissioner, she has served as Human Resources Chairperson and currently serves as a member of the Human Resources Committee for the BWL Board. Commissioner Graham was appointed to the Board on April 12, 2017 and re-appointed on July 23, 2018, her term expires June 30, 2026.

DeShon Leek
Third Ward
DeShon Leek is the Third Ward Commissioner for the Lansing Board of Water & Light. Commissioner Leek was appointed to the Board of Commissioners on November 18, 2019 with a term to expire June 30, 2027.
Commissioner Leek is a lifelong resident of Lansing whose education and training includes Everett High School, Lansing Community College and a Completed Apprenticeship with the UA Local 333 Plumbers and Pipefitters.
Currently Commissioner Leek is the Southeast representative of the Michigan Building and Construction Trade Council. He has a 22-Year Membership with UA Local 333 Plumbers and Pipefitters and has served as a Union Steward for the past 7-years. He also holds a position on the Executive Board with UA Local 333. In 2018 Commissioner Leek was appointed and served on the City of Lansing’s Plumbing Board of Appeals.
As a commissioner, he has served as Human Resources Committee Chairperson and on the Executive and Nominating Committees for the BWL Board. Commissioner Leek currently serves as a member of the Human Resources Committee.
Commissioner Leek has devoted his time to several community and charitable events such as: Sparrow Hospital Children’s Day of Miracles, Parks and Recreation Youth Sports, Faith Fellowship Church (Praise in the park), along with serving the community of Flint, Michigan during the water crisis.

Sandra Zerkle
Fourth Ward
Sandra Zerkle is the Fourth Ward Representative for the Lansing Board of Water and Light Commission. She has served as the Vice Chairperson and Chairperson of the Board and has served on the Executive Committee and the Finance Committee. Commissioner Zerkle has been a lifelong resident of Lansing. She graduated from Lansing Eastern High School and attended Lansing Community College. Commissioner Zerkle was employed for 17 years at the AFL-CIO and worked in a federally funded displaced workers program with Michigan Human Resources Development, Inc. She also worked at Job Corps for 4 years. Job Corps is a youth education and training program for low-income individuals. Commissioner Zerkle also worked for Michigan Bell Telephone Co. for 16 years and then transferred to AT&T, where she worked three years. Commissioner Zerkle worked on Proposal C (insurance proposal), a successful statewide ballot proposal petition drive. Commissioner Zerkle was appointed to the Board of Commissioners on December 4, 2006 and re-appointed on October 28, 2024, her term expires June 30, 2028.

Anthony H. Mullen
Tony (Anthony H) Mullen is an At-Large Commissioner for the Lansing Board of Water & Light. Commissioner Mullen has served as Vice Chair of the Board, Chair of the Human Resources Committee and Chair of the Nominating Committee.
Commissioner Mullen is employed at GC Services. He is fluent in Spanish and previously lived in Guatemala as a volunteer for the U.S. Peace Corps. Commissioner Mullen is married with two children, both attending the University of Michigan. Commissioner Mullen was appointed to the Board on November 14, 2012 and he serves as the Chair of the Human Resources Committee for the BWL board; his term ends on June 30, 2025.

Dale Schrader
Dale Schrader is an appointed At-Large Commissioner. As a 20-year resident of Lansing, he is proud to have served his community in many ways, notably as President of Walnut Neighborhood Organization and as former President of Preservation Lansing.
Commissioner Schrader is a US Navy veteran and attended Central Michigan University, where he earned a Bachelor of Business Administration with a minor in Economics. He then earned an MBA in International Business and Marketing from Thunderbird School in Glendale, Arizona. After college, he was employed by Gulf and Western companies in southern California for industrial sales of steel pipe, fittings and valves. He then worked for Harrington Plastics and for Met-Pro Corporation in technical sales of corrosion resistant air pollution control systems and equipment. In 1991 he founded Schrader Environmental Systems, Inc., a company which provided groundwater and soil remediation systems and equipment worldwide and in 2014, it was sold to Clean Harbors Environmental. Schrader Environmental was a key player in several nationally significant projects, including cleanup efforts at the World Trade Center job site following Superstorm Sandy, Kalamazoo River cleanup of the Enbridge pipeline leak, and restoration of the entire city water supply of Sauk Village, IL, after the Illinois EPA had shut down their water due to vinyl chloride contamination.
Commissioner Schrader enjoys renovating historic buildings in Lansing and is a licensed Michigan Residential Builder. He currently manages the rentals for his company, Schrader Properties. Commissioner Schrader was appointed to the Board on August 14, 2023, with a term to expire June 30, 2027.

Chris Harkins
Chris Harkins serves as Executive Director for Strategic Projects and Initiatives in Michigan State University Finance. In this role, Chris interacts across all aspects of the University, working to develop financial and programmatic coordination for the largest initiatives at the University. Prior to his work at MSU, Chris Harkins served as Budget Director for the State of Michigan. During that time, Harkins served as a member of Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Cabinet and was responsible for coordinating all aspects of the state’s $82 billion budget and oversaw the Budget Development Offices, Office of Financial Management, Office of Internal Audit Services, the Center for Educational Performance and Information, and the Statewide Integrated Governmental Management Applications (SIGMA) Organization.
Prior to his appointment as State Budget Director, Harkins served as Director of the Michigan Senate Fiscal Agency where he was responsible for managing the non-partisan Fiscal Agency, its staff, and ensuring that the informational and fiscal needs of the members of the Michigan Senate, and public, were met. Harkins has also worked at Jackson National Life, the Michigan Department of Technology, Management and Budget and for the Michigan House of Representatives and Senate.
Chris holds a B.A. in International Relations from Michigan State University and a Masters in Community and Economic Development from the Pennsylvania State University and resides in Lansing with his wife and son. Chris Harkins was appointed by the Lansing City Council to the Board of Water & Light Board of Commissioners on January 27, 2025 and his term expires on June 30, 2028.
Non-Voting Advisory Commissioners

Robert Worthy
Robert “Bob” Worthy serves as an appointed, non-voting advisory member of the Board of Commissioners. He represents Delta Township where he has resided since grade school.
Commissioner Worthy graduated from Grand Ledge High School, holds an Associates of Arts degree from Lansing Community College, a Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State and a Juris Doctorate from Cooley Law School.
Commissioner Worthy was born in Lansing and has been a lifelong resident of Lansing and Delta Township. He has worked at Smith Brothers Law Office in Grand Ledge, Franchino Mold in Lansing, and currently owns and operates The Worthy Company in Grand Ledge, a manufacturer’s representative company representing die cast tooling and equipment manufacturers from the US, Canada, EU, Taiwan and Japan.
Bob has served as an officer for the Michigan Chapter of the American Mold Builders Association, currently chairs a committee for North American Die Cast Association, National and serves as a Director for the Michigan Chapter of the North American Die Cast Association. He has served on the National Board of Governors for the North American Die Cast Association a total of 18 years.
Bob is married to lifelong Lansing and Delta Township resident, Victoria Worthy, who is the Founder and President of Mitten Misfits Farm Sanctuary a 501c3 nonprofit in Delta Township, where he serves as a Director and Treasurer. Bob was appointed to the Board of Commissioners on July 2023 and his term expires on June 30, 2027.

Jean-Richard ("J.R.") Beauboeuf
J. R. Beauboeuf is a Non-Voting Advisory Member (Commissioner) of the Board of Commissioners representing utility customers in the City of East Lansing.
Commissioner Beauboeuf is the Director of Risk Management and Legal Services at Lansing Community College.
Prior to serving as the Director of Risk Management and Legal Services, J. R. served as Administrator at the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Growth, as Adjunct Faculty of Mathematics, Finance and Quantitative Methods at Davenport University, and as Adjunct Faculty of Applied Mathematics at MSU College of Human Medicine.
J. R. was educated at Michigan State University and received a BS degree in Economics and Econometrics and a MS degree in Economics and Business Administration.
J. R. is the father of two adult children, a son and a daughter. He has lived in East Lansing since 1986.
Commissioner Beauboeuf was appointed to the Board of Commissioners effective July 28, 2023 and his term expires June 30, 2027.

Stuart Goodrich
Non-Voting Advisory Member
Stuart D. Goodrich is a Non-Voting Advisory Member of the Board of Commissioners representing the utility customers in Delhi Township.
“Vision for the Future” has been and continues to be an apt description of Stuart Goodrich’s approach to many of the goals he has achieved and continues to work towards.
In 1968 Mr. Goodrich opened Goodrich Optical on South Pennsylvania in Lansing. Stuart is an American Board-Certified Optician, former President of the Optician’s Association of Michigan, former chair of the Commission for Opticianry Accreditation (U.S. Department of Education), served as a Director on the Opticianry Advisory Committee at Ferris State University and served on the Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund for a total of eighteen years.
Local community activities include helping to organize the Holt Lions Club, service on both Holt/Dimondale Schools and the Ingham Intermediate School District Boards. In 1987 Stuart was the founding chair of the Delhi Development Authority, elected to the position of Trustee for Delhi Township in 1992 and served ten years as Delhi Township Supervisor.
Local area community recognitions include the “Unsung Hero” award from WLNS TV, Community Service Person of the Year from The South Lansing Business Association, an “Appreciation Award” from Radio Talking Book, now known as Radio Reading Service, WKAR Radio, Michigan State University, for being “The Driving Force In Saving The Program By Involving Lions” from Ingham as well as surrounding counties, and Alumnus of the Year awarded by the Holt/Dimondale School/Business Alliance. Stuart was elected to the Michigan Lions Hall of Fame in 2013.
Mr. Goodrich is a Charter Member of the Holt Lions Club. His Lions activities include the local club for forty eight years, a five county district, as well as twenty years on the Michigan Multiple District International Convention Committee with nine of those years as chair. His numerous awards and recognitions include the International Lions Presidential Award, Leadership Award and Presidential Certificates, S. A. Dodge and Melvin Jones recognitions. He also has been awarded with Life Membership in Lions Clubs International. In 2016 Stuart was elected to serve as a trustee on the Board of Directors for the Michigan Lions Foundation.
Stuart and his wife, Kathleen, were married in 1961, are members of the First Presbyterian Church of Holt since 1966 and have lived in Holt since 1967. Their family includes two children and five grandchildren.
Commissioner Goodrich was appointed to the Board of Commissioners effective July 1, 2024, with a term to expire June 30, 2025.