BWL to Band Baby Peregrine Falcon Chicks
For Immediate Release
The Lansing Board of Water & Light, in partnership with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Potter Park Zoo and Michigan State University, will band three baby peregrine falcon chicks tomorrow, Tuesday, June 4 at 12pm.
WHERE: Eckert Power Station, Conference Room C
WHEN: Tuesday, June 4, 12pm
WHAT: The chicks will be weighed to determine sex, banded to help track migration patterns and will also be named.
The chicks were born to mom, April, an unbanded female, and dad, Tornado, who was born in Muskegon at the Consumers Energy B.C. Cobb Plant. This is the second year this pair have successfully had a clutch.
Since 2004, the BWL has hosted a nesting site atop the Eckert Power Station for endangered peregrine falcons. To date, over 50 eggs have been laid. The peregrine falcon remains on Michigan’s endangered species list.
The peregrine falcon is renowned for its speed, reaching over 200mph during its characteristic hunting high speed dive, making it the fastest member of the animal kingdom. The public can watch a 24-hour live stream inside the falcon nest by clicking here.