What Does It Mean to Be a Smart Energy Provider?

BWL continues to be designated as a Smart Energy Provider by the American Public Power Association (APPA) for its commitment to clean energy and customer programs. For many years, BWL has been moving toward a cleaner portfolio and this national level designation recognizes our many efforts: past, present and future.
“The purpose of the Smart Energy Provider (SEP) program is to provide national recognition of utility efforts to incorporate efficiencies and sustainability while providing affordable electric service. It also helps public power utilities benchmark and evaluate their work on these topics against a set of industry best practices,” says APPA’s website. Specific to BWL, the award highlighted how we provide our customers choices in their energy use, are mindful to the environment and consider sustainability in our energy choices, all while providing top-notch customer service.
The SEP designation is given out every two years and BWL is proud to be amongst 96 other public utilities awarded the Smart Energy Provider title in 2023.
“The great thing about being a Smart Energy Provider is that it recognizes such a wide variety of areas where utilities support their customers – renewable energy programs, ways to save money and energy at home, customer service, research and development efforts and more,” said Anna Munie, Manager of Carbon Neutrality Programs. “Receiving a Smart Energy Provider award helps show that BWL is dedicated to its customers, and we’re heading in the right direction towards reducing carbon emissions and making greater Lansing a great place to live and work.”
In addition, BWL continues to provide customers new sustainability programs to take part in like our newly launched Electrification Programs. Customers can purchase a variety of everyday home appliances or equipment in an electric version and receive a rebate. Eligible appliances and equipment include an e-bike, lawn mower, leaf blower, induction cooktop and more. By engaging in programs like these, customers can reduce their carbon footprint while BWL continues to move its portfolio toward carbon neutrality by 2040.
Another program customers can look forward to is our demand response program coming later this year. BWL electric customers can be a "Peak Power Partner" by purchasing or enrolling a smart thermostat for their home and participating in energy savings events when weather conditions deem necessary. This means on very hot days when energy demand is high, by adjusting your thermostat a few degrees, you could be eligible for rebates and incentives. More details will be announced in Spring of 2024.
We're proud to call Lansing our hometown, and we work hard to find ways for our customers to reduce their energy costs and footprint. If you’re looking for more rebates and incentives for appliance recycling, solar energy, electric vehicle integration and more, visit lbwl.com/energysavers.