Community Resource Fairs: How Did They Start and Where Are We Now?

Everyone struggles at some point in their lives, whether that’s something big or small. During the pandemic, we wanted to help our customers access local resources, information and financial support they needed to make their lives even a little easier. Together with BWL’s Customer Assistance Coalition, we introduced the Community Resource Fairs.
Since the fairs began in 2020, they’ve helped an estimated 2,100 customers catch up on approximately $3 million in past due utility bills.
In March, BWL hosted its fourth round of fairs at Alfreda Schmidt Community Center, which alone brought in an estimated $213,000. This is a great event, and we were happy to see 178 people (including two dogs!) come through in five hours. See below for all our community partners that attended!
- Lansing Board of Water & Light Customer Service and Hometown Energy Savers
- Tri-County Office on Aging
- City of Lansing Financial Empowerment/Cristo Rey
- St. Vincent De Paul
- Greater Lansing Food Bank
- Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHHS)
- Capital Area Housing Partnership
- Secretary of State Mobile Office
- United Way of South Central Michigan
- City of Lansing Department of Neighborhoods & Citizen Engagement
- Nation Outside
- Ingham County Treasurer’s Office
- City of Lansing Department of Economic Development and Planning
- Capital Area Community Services
- Holt Kids
If you missed the Resource Fairs, be sure to check out for more information on shut-off protection and resources available from each partner.