What is the plan to address groundwater exceedances?

What is the plan to address groundwater exceedances?

BWL has begun to address the groundwater exceedances by ceasing coal ash disposal to the impoundments in November 2022 and beginning the process of dewatering and ash removal from the impoundments. This impoundment cleanout represents source control, meaning that there will no longer be a risk to groundwater. BWL has begun to assess groundwater corrective measure alternatives, as described in the Assessment of Corrective Measures Report (lbwl.com/ccr), and additional data needs are required before a remedy is selected. For example, groundwater remediation typically begins after the extent of contamination in groundwater is determined to select and design the most effective remediation approach and location(s). Additional wells required to delineate the plume boundaries and characterization require offsite wells and private landowner agreements, which BWL has been pursuing. BWL will study and select an appropriate treatment method. Subsequently, the Michigan Department of Environmental, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE) will review and approve BWL’s proposed treatment option study and treatment method selection. This is a data-driven process and will take years to complete, but we are moving as quickly as we are able.