

What is the pink slime in my bathroom?

Pink/orange/gray/black slime is an airborne bacteria which grows well on materials moist surfaces containing nutrients such as phosphorus or fatty substances (soap residue in your shower). The pink residual can usually be found is areas that remain wet and are good environments for harboring bacteria, such as bathroom sinks, toilets and showers. Dog bowls are another spot this can be seen. Unfortunately, this bacteria is difficult to keep away once it has grown. Persistent cleaning can help reduce or eliminate the problem.

Ways to reduce the pink slime:

  • Ventilate the bathroom during and after a shower
  • Wipe down your shower and tub after use
  • Reduce the amount of water and soap scum you leave on surfaces
  • Clean frequently with vinegar, bleach or an antibacterial cleaner
  • For dog bowls, stainless steel works best. Glass and plastic can tend to scratch and harbor bacteria in the scratches. The bad news is that it’s very hard to keep those pink, slimy rings from forming

Why is there staining inside my toilet bowl and how do I get rid of it?

If the yellow/orange/black stain is below the water line this is iron that has settled out. BWL water does contain low levels of dissolved iron and over time this can oxidize and settle out. Checking the tank on the toilet may show that iron has accumulated in there over time. A product that removes iron is a good solution for the tank. The bowl can be cleaned with the same product or with most bathroom cleaners.

If the stain is above the water line this can be one of a few things. It could be iron when it oxidizes with the air. This can be removed with most bathroom cleaners.

If the color of the stain is pinkish/orange it could be an airborne bacteria that is feeding off nutrients in the water. The airborne bacteria can be difficult to get rid of, it likes to come back. Vinegar, bleach or an antimicrobial cleaner is the best way to combat the toilet bowl ring or streaks. If it is possible for better ventilation in the bathroom that can help as well.