Discolored Water

Discolored Water

Why do I occasionally see orange, yellow or brown from my tap?

The discoloration you see typically comes from iron that accumulated in cast iron water mains and has been picked up by a large change in flow. This change can be caused by main break, repair or replacement, flushing, firefighting activities or anything else that disrupts the normal flow through the water main.

Is this discoloration harmful?

Although iron appears unappetizing and may impart a metallic or slightly bitter taste, it offers no health threat. Extremely high levels of iron can induce nausea and vomiting, but that amount would not taste good and one would have a hard time drinking it.      

What should I do if I see this discoloration?

Generally, if you wait for a short period (an hour or so), then flush your faucet for 10 minutes, the discoloration will disappear. If you must have a drink of water, drawing some into a pitcher or tall glass and letting it stand will give the discoloration a chance to settle. If the water is lighter, it means the iron is settling out and will soon be clear again. If the discoloration is still a problem after 24 hours, call our customer service at 517-702-6006.

Why do I only have discolored water in one faucet and then it clears after running the water?

Rusting galvanized piping in the home plumbing systems can cause temporary discolored water inside the home. Consult a plumber to help with this issue.